Moka Pot (Stovetop)
Named after the Yemeni city of Mocha, it was invented by Italian engineer Luigi Di Ponti in 1933 who sold the patent to Alfonso Bialetti, an aluminum vendor. It quickly became one of the staples of Italian culture. Bialetti continues to produce the original model under the trade name "Moka Express".
A heavy bodied intense brew
Good for
Traditionalist coffee drinkers
How to make it.
While the kettle’s boiling, grind your coffee. Not too finely!
Remove the top of the Moka Pot and basket. Fill the bottom with hot water (not cold – increased contact time with water will extract the bitter elements), making sure the level stays below the safety valve.
Put your ground coffee in the basket and level it out without patting it down.
Place the basket back in the Moka pot, with the spout down.
Screw the top onto the bottom. Careful, it’ll be hot.
Then, put the pot over a low to medium heat.
When the pot starts gurgling, you’re in luck – your coffee’s good to go. Take it off the heat and serve.
What you'll need.
Boiling water
A heat source (electric or gas stove)
Ground coffee
Oven gloves, hot pads, or folded tea towels
Coffee Dose: ~15g
Brew Water: ~250g/ml
Water Temp: 94-96˚C
Overall Brew Time: 2:00min
Grind Size: Medium to fine – similar to caster sugar
Top Tip
If you’re in a hurry, try boiling your water first. It’ll help speed the process up